Send 50,000 to 300,000+ emails per month.

Cold Email Prospecting Campaigns to Drive New Business.

The Marketing Central AI Cold Prospecting Platform could make all the difference in dramatically expanding your reach, customer base, marketshare, and sales.

Automate your prospecting 24/7/365 to hundreds of thousands of people.

Engage the Masses, Walk Them to a Sale.

Email is still the most successful and lucrative channel for new business development. Cold prospecting allows you to reach out to any number of individuals with relevant and timely introductions, offers, and calls to action.

AI-Powered Features to Enhance Results.

Let Marketing Central AI write your campaigns, field customer sentiment, as well as inform or book your sales team. Plus, you can automate responses, and sub-sequences based on triggers or actions that your prospects take.

New Customers, More Sales Opportunities

FACT: 78% of Customers Buy from the Business that Responds FIRST. Tether email interactions to bots, or other automation triggers or actions to communicate in all of the ways that the Marketing Central platform offers.

There are SO many prospects out there that your sales team will never have enough time to reach.

Now you can exponentially boost the volume of cold prospect outreach and give the leads to sales once they're warm or hot.

Every feature you can imagine to manage email campaigns in mass.

Add Unlimited Number of Sending Domains

The first key to mass cold prospecting campaigns is to spread your email sending across numerous domains to minimize risk of emails going into spam, or your domain(s) from being blacklisted. We have ways for you to purchase and set up domains in bulk or we can do it on your behalf.

Add Unlimited Number of Email Accounts

The second key is to spread campaigns across multiple email accounts, often a few for every domain. This also minimizes the risk of emails being treated like spam. We also have ways of setting up multiple email accounts in bulk, and at a discounted rate, and we can also do this on your behalf.

Unlimited Automatic Email Warming

The third key is for your email accounts and domains to be warmed up. This is an automated process of letting email channels like Google know that your email accounts are legitimate and prepares your accounts for sending campaigns in volume. New domains and email accounts take a minimum of a couple weeks, but as many as four weeks is ideal.

Centralized Inbox for Managing Responses

All responses are managed by a central inbox, enabling you to handle dozens of ongoing campaigns at a time. This keeps your mass email campaigns separate of your regular customer email communications. You can also push responses to your CRM or other platforms if desired.

Nurture Sequences + Sub-Sequences

Email campaigns can include a strategic series of emails with powerful timing and scheduling features to walk prospects through an introduction, and aspects of your products or company, all with the goal of driving them to an appointment, or a sale. Based on their interactions, you can also trigger sub-sequences to walk prospects through even more tailored steps in your sales funnel.

Create any number of personalization fields and values

Emails can be created with multiple personalization values throughout, with the goal of maximizing the perception that someone is personally writing them the email and just hit send. Upload any number of variables to speak to any number of factors that make the email more relevant, including facts about them, you, your company, or their company.


Don't underestimate what you can accomplish with our AI-Cold Email Prospecting Platform.

Join Thousands of Successful Customers!

A great way to test new segments.

Once your account is set up, you will have an opportunity to figure out all of the prospect segments you would like to reach. At the same time, this is an ideal time to stretch and uncover your 2nd and 3rd priority segments. By sending emails in mass, you will be able to find out with whom your campaigns resonate the most. You may uncover a new opportunity with some, or you may confirm your suspicions with others. Either way, it can be one of the least expensive ways to test other segments. It could change your trajectory, and make a huge difference in your business.

Test Messages Too!

A/B Testing- It's easy to create any number of email variants with varying messages, offers, and methods of engaging your targets. Test anything and everything that could impact sales.

Connect with Bots!

It is also feasible to connect your campaigns with our AI Chat Bots, or Marketing Central Automations to accomplish just about anything you would like with your prospects and those that interact with your campaigns.

Automate Appointments!

Allow prospects to book appointments, or connect with your sales team via email, SMS, WhatsApp, Social Media DMs, or otherwise. The goal, as with any sales process, is to be as responsive and as accommodating as possible to make them feel at home as your future customer.

Our Plans



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Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to get my account up and running?

As soon as you subscribe, the account is ready to go. However, specifically for this Marketing Central tool, if you need to secure additional sending domains and additional sending accounts, then that takes a few days, and then your new domains and email accounts will need to go through the automated email warming process.

All-in-all, it is feasible to get campaigns up and running in about a month from purchase.

In the meantime, you can figure out all of the potential targets that you may want to reach, set up your email sequences, aggregate your prospect lists, and be ready to go by the time the automated warming process is complete. And, of course, we provide a number of done-for-you services, and can do pieces or parts of these efforts on your behalf if your team doesn't have the bandwidth.

If Marketing Central is a marketing automation platform with email campaigns built-in, why would I need this too?

Marketing Central email campaigns and marketing automation is designed to serve companies with an ordinary volume of customer and prospect email needs, including inbound and outbound opted-in communications. That's not a problem.

This specific tool is designed for sending blind emails to large groups of individuals, for instance, if you purchased tens of thousands of B2B work emails from one of our data sources or you pulled them from other public sources such as LinkedIn.

Yes, we can facilitate that too. Feel free to ask us more about those options in our demo. We have access to multiple wholesale resources. Further, we have the ability to resell access to these resources, or if you prefer, you can purchase lists based on specific parameters on a per contact basis.

What kind of results can be expected from mass cold prospecting email campaigns?

Email continues to be one of the most cost effective and lucrative marketing channels. Part of that is because the cost to email, once you have a platform like this in place, is little to nothing. We have seen companies experience stellar results and certainly others whose success has varied. To find those "needles in a haystack", the more you send the better

But everybody achieves some level of success, because after all, it is a numbers game and this platform is all about increasing the numbers.

What are some of the factors that impact response rates?

As you can imagine, there are numerous factors that affect response rates, including the quality of the list, the effectiveness and engagement of the messages in the email campaign, the specific target segment, the segment's potential to need or buy your solution, and whether or not that particular segment is relatively saturated with comparable offerings.

It is also dependent on prospect timing, prospect relevance, the significance of the need, whether or not they have other priorities that may fall ahead of your offering, whether or not they have the time or mindshare to think about it at the time, and so on.

However, the good news is, marketing can often be like looking for a needle in a haystack. And with a platform like this, you can hit more prospects, more times, and you are far more likely to catch more prospects at the right time than if you don't try to keep putting messages in front of them.

What if we don't feel like we have the expertise to handle large cold prospecting email campaigns?

At Marketing Central, there are multiple options. Some will subscribe to our platforms and do everything themselves.

We call that DIY- or Do It Yourself. Then we also have DWY- or Done With You, where we do pieces and parts on your behalf. And lastly, we have DFY- or Done For You, where we can manage cold prospecting on your behalf.

We have a number of experts on our team, as well as contractors so that we can handle everything on every platform we offer, plus integrations and migrations with other platforms as well. Just let us know your preference, and needs.

What about sending domains and email sending accounts? How does that work?

We provide an automated service to purchase domains and email sending accounts in bulk, which includes setting them up properly, any updates that may be needed, plus overall administration. This is a separate cost from the subscription. We recommend 10 domains, and 20 email sending accounts for the first tier subscription, and at least 30 domains, and 60 email accounts for the top two tier subscriptions. Again, the strategy is to spread out campaigns with large volumes over all of the domains and email sending accounts to avoid having these domains marked as spam or being blacklisted. This can still happen, but the more you spread out the sending, the higher the probability of avoiding this outcome. When purchasing domains through us, they are slightly higher than GoDaddy. However, we are able to purchase Gmail sending accounts in wholesale volumes, so this can save as much as 50% on email sending accounts. If you would like to purchase them on your own, that is fine too. However, then the process will be totally manual for you and your IT support person, and we will likely need to go back and forth with them over the course of time as we need to test or make changes to the domains or email accounts. EITHER WAY, even if you buy them through us, they are your property and listed in your company name. So, if you ever decide you need to leave us and go elsewhere, we will simply transfer them all to you.

Can the Marketing Central AI-Cold Email Prospecting platform be purchased as a stand alone solution?

Yes, you can subscribe to the AI-Cold Email Prospecting Platform as part of the overall Marketing Central subscription. And you can also subscribe to the AI-Cold Email Prospecting Platform as a stand-alone tool.

For what it is worth, it costs approximately 25% less if purchased along with the overall platform.

While there are advantages to having the AI-Cold Email Prospecting toolset integrated with the overall Marketing Central platform, some companies may utilize other platforms for other aspects of the Marketing Central solution. For this reason, we have made it so all of the features and functionality will function the same if leveraged as a stand-alone tool.

To purchase as a stand alone product, go HERE.

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Stand-Alone Pricing: (Sending Domains & Email Accounts Purchased Separately)

Up to 10M Contacts / 50M Emails per Month: $327 per month, or get 2 months FREE at $3,270 for the annual plan.

Up to 30M Contacts / 150M Emails per Month: $527 per month, or get 2 months FREE at $5,270 for the annual plan.

Up to 50M Contacts / 300M Emails per Month: $797 per month, or get 2 months FREE at $7,970 for the annual plan.

Marketing Central- Bundle Pricing: (Sending Domains & Email Accounts Purchased Separately)

IF purchased with, and at the same time as the overall Marketing Central platform, you will save 25%.

Up to 10M Contacts / 50M Emails per Month: $247 per month, or get 2 months FREE at $2,470 for the annual plan.

Up to 30M Contacts / 150M Emails per Month: $397 per month, or get 2 months FREE at $3,970 for the annual plan.

Up to 50M Contacts / 300M Emails per Month: $597 per month, or get 2 months FREE at $5,970 for the annual plan.

*To purchase with the MC-Bundle discount, these options will be presented in the Marketing Central cart.

Bulk Purchase & Setup of Domains & Email Sending Accounts: (Same pricing for stand-alone or bundle)

10- Sending Domains: $200/year + 20-Email Sending Accounts (Gmail): $1,524/year (wholesale)

30- Sending Domains: $600/year + 60-Email Sending Accounts (Gmail): $3,564/year (wholesale)

  • *It is to your advantage to purchase domains and email accounts from us,

  • as we have automated a large portion of this otherwise tedious set up process.

  • Additionally, we are able to provide wholesale pricing at least on the email accounts.

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AI Cold Prospecting Email Platform