Now, how do we get it all done?

Managed Marketing Services

The power and effectiveness of every solution is maximized by the people behind the scenes that make it happen.

We support all of our solutions with experts in project management, digital marketing, design, production, technical services, and MORE. See list of services below.

Our team can do anything and everything you need to help you grow your business and maximize any of the Marketing Central solutions.

Tell me more about Marketing Central Managed Marketing Services.

We have three different ways people work with Marketing Central and our Solutions.

DIY, DWY, or DFY, and many combinations of the three.

Our mission is your success, and we will help you as much as you would like.


Do It Yourself.

Our mission and goal is to do everything we can to help you be successful with our solutions, in digital marketing, in your business, and in your life. However, some people just love to learn new things, and feel they are most successful when they make things happen themselves. We totally understand. And in many ways, that is a gift that is a win for you, your company, and everybody involved. Plus, it's often the least expensive approach.

That said, if you are already spread too thin, or your skills and gifts are best utilized elsewhere, we understand that too. However, if you do decide to take the DIY route, we want you to know that you can reach out at anytime, and we are happy to help in any way that we can.

Plus, for the Marketing Central Hub, we offer 24/7/365 Chat Support, and each solution has its own help center. Please let us know if DIY is your preferred way to work.


Done With You.

At Marketing Central, we want you to be able to do anything you want to do with our solutions, and with your marketing and business.

So, some elect to take on a hybrid or DWY approach. This involves leveraging your strengths, and the the strengths of your team. And then they leverage our team and capabilities to fill the gaps, to take on the heavier lifts, or the efforts that require more bandwidth or very specific expertise.

This is always a nice balance, and the key is for us to work together to clearly define and delineate responsibilities, tasks, and make sure that nothing slips through the cracks.

Our team is happy to work with you in this capacity, and it can be the best of both worlds. Please let us know if DWY is your preference.


Done For You.

As you can imagine, we are always happy to take on as much as possible. Of course, you will still have a fair amount to do to provide us all that we need in order to deliver you the best possible results.

That said, it is fair to say with DFY, we will take the ball and run with it. Then it is our responsibility to get your projects, efforts, and work to the finish line in a timely manner, and in a way that meets or exceeds your expectations.

You will be our client point person, and we will do everything in our power to over communicate, to ask questions, and to articulate what we need. And we will keep you up to date on any reviews, feedback, and approvals that we will need to keep everything on track.

Our project managers will oversee everything, everyone, and keep everyone on our team and yours up-to-date, and synchronized.

And our objective will be to keep you coming back for more, as often as you need to do so.

Marketing Central Managed Services

Our managed services are offered in blocks of hours that can be utilized over a defined period of time, and can include any combination of services.

The Managed Marketing Services rate structure works on a sliding scale where the more hours you leverage per month times the total number of months committed, the lower your hourly rates will be.

Once you have determined your initial goals and objectives, please schedule a call and we will discuss the range and volume of work that you need, and then prepare a a few options for your consideration.

Managed Digital Marketing Services Include:

Technical / Development Services

Database Work

Custom Integrations

Platform Customization

Platform Migration

Customer Service Automation

Technical Setups

SEO Analysis / Management

Custom Automation Workflows

Custom Bot Building

Forms & Survey Building

Client Portal Building

Customer Knowledgebase

Customer/Prospect Communities

Reviews / Reputation Mgmt

Digital Marketing & Tactical Execution Services


Account Management

Project Coordination

Marketing Strategy


Email, Social, Digital Advertising

LinkedIn Automation Campaigns

Cold Prospecting Email Campaigns

Prospect List Building

Lead Magnet Campaigns

Webinar Campaigns


Digital Ads & Campaign Creation

Google Search Campaigns

Google Display Ad Campaigns

Social Media Ad Campaigns

Retargeting Campaigns

Account Based Marketing (ABM)


Social Media Content Creation

Social Media Planning / Calendar

Social Media Campaign Mgmt

Blog Creation and Management

Affiliate Program Build & Manage

Creative, Design, Writing & Production Services

Landing Pages / Funnels

Website Development

Email Campaigns

Digital Advertising

Social Media Content

Image Manipulation

Video Scripting

Video Production


Lead Magnets

LMS / Course Development

Let us know how we can help.

We're ready to jump in to help make things happen.

Our Plans



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Frequently Asked Questions

How do we get started?

The best next step is to book a call with us. In this call, we will discuss your goals and objectives, along with the Marketing Central solutions that you believe make the most sense for you and your company. Based on that, we will seek an understanding of the expertise you have on your team, the bandwidth that they have available, and your thinking regarding the ways that you would like us to assist. We will also discuss your ideal timing, and how soon you would like to launch each component that you would like us to work on. From this conversation, we will provide you a proposal with a few options for your review and consideration.

How long does it take to get the projects and efforts we need underway?

Once you have engaged us, and committed to the blocks you need, we will get right to work.

First, we will develop the the scope of the initial efforts you would like to make happen, and put together a kickoff meeting with you and your key stakeholders. In this meeting, we will ask any remaining questions we may have, get an understanding of your business and your objectives and priorities for the solutions you have selected. Then we will develop an outline, including the order of events, and the approximate timing for each effort.

Who will work on our projects?

At Marketing Central, we have a large team of specialists and contract resources that understand our processes, procedures, and expectations. Each specialist focuses on a narrow set of disciplines, and specific types of projects, for efficiency sake, but also so that we have the right person on the efforts required. The people working on your projects will depend on the range and scope of work needed. Our project managers are responsible for keeping them focused, informed, and moving their tasks and projects forward. Our contract resources work in multiple time zones, so often your work will be progressing while you sleep.

How do we pay for the time blocks that we commit?

All of our services are paid through our site via credit or debit card on the first of each month. Based on your monthly commitment, the charges happen automatically.

Will you provide us estimates for the projects we request?

We do not provide itemized estimates. However, based on the list of requested projects or efforts, we do provide ballparks for how the blocks of hours will be utilized over the course of a month or the term of your commitment in case you would prefer to redirect our focus and priorities. We have found that we can be far more efficient on an hourly basis. And due to the ever-evolving nature of client projects and efforts, we have found that estimates rarely align with the details and efforts required to deliver the completed project.

What if we don't use all of the hours that we commit? Or what if we use more than the volume committed?

Each plan, according to the monthly volume and the number of months committed has its own distinct hourly rollover factors to consider.

Generally speaking, if your total commitment is over 120 hours over the course of the number of months committed, then your hours utilized or not utilized carries forward for the term of your engagement. If your total commitment is less than 120 hours, then the blocks of hours committed per month must be utilized within any given month of the term.

In each case, if it looks like you will use more hours than committed, then we will give you a choice to either opt into additional hours at the same rate, or we can intentionally delay some of our efforts into the following month. It is our goal to manage your projects in a way that will not require additional billing by having our project managers regularly communicate where things stand, and the amount of work projected for the rest of any given month. That said, we find that clients often discover more things that they would like us to work on along the way.

How are our projects and hours managed?

We utilize a comprehensive project management system to track as well as to project the workloads of our specialists and contractors. We will provide you with client level visibility which will enable you to have a picture of your projects, the steps underway, as well as the next steps, and the approximate timing.

You can also initiate new requests through this platform, and we will send you updates, notifications, questions, and items for review or approval via this same platform to your email or mobile phone. Since our project managers are juggling numerous projects and priorities, the workflow process is always in flux and in motion.

Much like the stock market, we recommend that our clients not watch this platform, but instead, pay attention to the updates, inquiries, and requests that our project managers send to you and your team. And of course, feel free to ask our project managers questions at any time, and they will get back with you as quickly as possible.

Do you have ways of maximizing what can be accomplished with our work and projects?

Yes, we do. And this is a great benefit of our hourly structure. Because we focus on the solutions that Marketing Central provides, we are often working on similar types of projects from one client to another. This means that we develop features and functionality, or components that are universal in nature.

Whenever we can leverage efforts that we have built previously, you are only paying for the time it takes to deploy, tailor, and implement that solution, rather than the time it would take to build it from scratch. Additionally, if we know of a tool or extension offered from another provider that may be a fast or more cost effective option, we will always suggest it as an alternative to building a custom solution.

Lastly, when we have our kickoff meeting, we will discuss the application of our extensive AI toolsets to maximize certain aspects of our work, to further minimize hours incurred, and to maximize what we can accomplish on your behalf. We will always ask you if you are okay if we leverage our AI toolsets for specific aspects of your projects. We see it as a win/win, as it enables us to offer more value for the dollar, and for you to get more work done within the scope of your engagement.

It will always be our priority to be as cost effective and as efficient as possible to accomplish your objectives and to get to market as quickly as possible. We look forward to discussing your goals and objectives. Please book a call to discuss further.

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Marketing Central Managed Marketing Services